Purushottam Nagesh Oak

Austere by nature, a journalist by profession, a historian by hobby, a researcher by accident and a freedom fighter by choice, Mr. Oak was one of a kind. An institution in himself.

“ Taj Mahal is Tejo-Mahalya: A Shiva Temple ”

- P.N. Oak


“ The most important book that a tourist needs to read BEFORE visiting India and the Taj Mahal. ”
- A. Ghosh (Publisher)

Institute for Rewriting Indian History

The extent and depth of the inaccuracies and fabrications that bedevil Indian history, as currently taught and presented, amount to a national calamity. With a view to put the record of Indian history straight and to present a factually and chronologically accurate account from time immemorial to our own has the INSTITUTE FOR REWRITING INDIAN HISTORY has been founded and registered with the Government of India.

Bouquets & Brickbats

Shri. P. N. Oak was heralded as a true pioneer in his work on the Taj Mahal and fighting against the fallacies of Indian historical records. Here is a list of all the awards & honours conferred on Shri. P.N. Oak.

Unfortunately he also had to endure extreme hate, ridicule and prejudice for his bold and relentless pursuits. He also suffered threats to his life from various factions, such as Islamic religious leaders and political and intellectual establishments. In 1968, summons were issued under 153A of Indian Penal Code from a magistrate court in the Tees Hazari complex in Delhi to Shri. P. N. Oak for writing a historic article on Sultan Ferozshah Tughlak and also to the publisher of the monthly, "Mother India", the late Baburao Patel. Read more about the verdict of the 2 court judgements confirming the views of Shri. P.N. Oak here.

A wonderful article on Shri. Oak by Prof. Shrinivas Tilak titled "P.N. Oak : The lone fighter, etymologist, and historian" written on December 17th, 2007 can be found here.
