Institute for Rewriting Indian History


The fundamental object for which the Society is established is to rewrite Indian History with a view to present a factually and chronologically account from time immemorial to our own age. In fulfilment of that aim the Institute shall –

(a) undertake and promote research in Indian history

(b) publish or sponsor publication of books on Indian history or any part or aspect thereof; “Without making Profits.”

(c) sponsor and guide the writing and publication of research papers; “Without making Profits.”

(d) publish or sponsor one or more newspapers or magazines; “Without making Profits.”

(e) hold national conventions and exhibitions;

(f) participate in national and international meets concerning history;

(g) establish fraternal relations with interested organisations;

(h) establish reading rooms and reference and research libraries for Indian history;

(1) conduct examinations and award degrees and diplomas;

(1) found a national museum of Indian history to depict a correct and chronological perspective of Indian history;

(k) organise historical tours and research expeditions;

(l) exchange research scholars with other countries; and

(m) undertake and sponsor such other activities as are conducive to its main objective.

(n) provide medical relief:

(0) provide relief to poor;

(p) undertake any other objective of general public utility:


The extent and depth of the inaccuracies and fabrications that bedevil Indian history, as currently taught and presented, amount to a national calamity.

With a view to put  the record of Indian history straight and to present a factually and chronologically accurate account from time immemorial to our own has the INSTITUTE FOR REWRITING INDIAN HISTORY has been founded and registered with the Government of India.

India having been under foreign domination for nearly a thousand years, memoirs and chronicles written mostly by aliens have required a stamp of authority and sanctity through sheer passage of time. In very many cases the writers lacked the necessary perspective, and were either short-sighted , grossly prejudiced or impelled by feelings of intense malice, hatred and hostility towards Indians. Where the authors themselves purport to be rulers their memories were primarily meant to be propaganda pieces intended to present a glossy image of the sovereign and never a faithful account of their reigns.

It would be a mistake to think that this appeal is addressed only to historians. Whether we are strictly students of history in the narrow sense is immaterial. Our lives are part of history. History conditions our outlook on world affairs. The institute therefore invites the assistances and association of every individual in a spirit of proud dedication and dutifulness to the task of rewriting Indian history on the foundations of TRUTH.

From pre-historic times to our own many factual chronological errors and fanciful concepts have been detected in current historical texts. Even a cursory glance at significant stages reveals glaring faults in Indian historical narratives such as:

1. Even the most liberal estimates attributes the Rigveda to (circa) 6,000 B.C. But one of our members Dr. Jwala Prasad Singhal, M.A. L.L.B., Ph.D. adduces evidence to show (in his book titled “The Sphinx Speaks”, that the Rigveda was composed 500,000 years ago.

2. Recent discoveries prove that the Indus valley civilization was neither Dravidian nor prevedic.

3. The periods of the Ramayan and Mahabharata have yet to be satisfactorily determined.

4. According to some scholars Lord Buddha lived in the 16th Century B.C. and not in the 6th.

5. Shankaracharya Peethas in India are said to preserve a line of succession going back to 2600 years against the current concept that Adya Shankaracharya lived in the 8th century A.D.

6. A paper read at the Poona session of Indian History Congress in X mas in 1963 by Mr. P.N. Oak and his subsequent researches point out that the Taj Mahal and all other medieval monuments including the Red Fort, Humayun’s Tomb and Fatehpur Sikri are Pre muslim Rajput constructions.

7. There are also some missing chapters in Indian history. Traces of evidences show that Indian rule once extended from Bali to the Baltic and Angkor Wat to Arabia. Current texts make no mention of that sway.

All such discrepancies and anomalies have made nonsense of Indian historical narraties. We owe it to posterity and ourselves to write a truthful, accurate and fuller account of Indian history clearing it of distortions, perversions and other faults resulting from public apathy to monitor the assertions of ‘historians.’ The public must concern itself with crying a halt to the bedlam of current historical narratives, and assert it’s right to examine the fare served by historians.

In fulfillment of its main aim of rewriting Indian history the institute will:

A) Undertake and promote research in Indian History.

B) Publish and sponsor publication of books on Indian history or any part or aspect thereof.

C) Sponsor and guide the writing and publication of research papers.

D) Publish or sponsor one or more newspapers or magazines.

E) Hold national conventions and exhibitions.

F) Participate in national or international meets concerning Indian history.

G) Establish Fraternal relations with interested organizations.

H) Established reading rooms and reference and research libraries for Indian history.

I) Conduct examinations and award degrees and diplomas.

J) Found a museum of Indian history to depict a correct and chronological perspective of Indian history.

K) Organize historical tours and research expeditions.

L) Exchange research scholars with other countries.

M) Undertake and sponsor such other activities as are conducive to its main object.